Come in |
heh nụ |
[JEkmI |
Go out |
ä htàw |
[;xD.I |
Sit down |
hsày nāw |
qh.eDRI |
Stand up |
hsuh htùh |
qXxX.I |
Come to the front of the class |
heh htàw luh tāw mẹh nyah |
[JxD.vXwDRrJmngI |
Pay attention, everybody |
doh ga nà göh ghā dëh |
'due.ud;*R'J;I |
Are you ready? |
na òh ga tẹh ga tāw na thä lee ahh |
etd.uwJmuwDReo;vH{gI |
Repeat after me |
hpä pọh ya kee |
z;ydm,cHI |
Have you finished? |
wēe lee ahh |
0HRvH{gI |
Any questions? |
ta thee gwuh òh ahh |
w>oHuG>td.{gI |
What did you say? |
na tạ ma nū lèh |
ewJrEkRvJ.I |
Say it again, please. |
tạ ga däw ta blaw |
wJu'D;wbsDI |
I don't understand. |
ya na ta puh bà |
,e>wyX>b.I |
Well done |
ghāy dòh mä |
*hR'd.r;I |
You did a great job. |
na mā ta ghāy dòh mä |
wrRw>*hR'd.r;I |
That's correct |
ta weh này bà lāw |
w>0JM.b.vDRI |
You've almost got it |
na mā böo ga bà lee |
erRbl;ub.vHI |
You didn't make a single mistake. |
na ta ta ga mà naw ta hplùh bà |
ew>wur.eDwzsX.b.I |
Don't worry, it'll improve |
ta bà goh ta ghāy, ga ghāy htàw lāw |
wb.ud>w*hR< u*hRxD.vDRI |
You're getting better at it all the time. |
na ta ghāy htàw htaw boh lāw |
ew>*hRxD.xDbdvDRI |